Patatap is a portable animation and sound kit. With the touch of a finger create melodies charged with moving shapes. Warning: contains flashing images.
Reliving The Past Motion Awards Winners! | Game of Thrones / Elastic The Season 8 Game of Thrones title sequence was redesigned to be more narrative, with visual details reflecting the depth and evolution of the story, including key events like the destruction of Winterfell and King’s Landing. Get Ready, Motionographers: Extended Deadline and Big Announcements Coming Your Way! As summer slowly wav
タップすると、びよ〜んと弾んでナビゲーションが表示されるタブレット・スマフォ向けに実装してみたいナビゲーションを紹介します。 Bounce Menu 左下をタップで動作します。 実装はこんな感じです。 HTML <div class="device"> <div class="screen"> <div class="menu"> <ul> <li class="lock"><a href="">Lock</a></li> <li class="share"><a href="">Share</a></li> <li class="download"><a href="">Download</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="toggle"> <div class="x"></div> <div class="y"></div> </div> <div cl
About Using motion graphics and VFX as a backbone, TAKCOM is a director and visual artist who embraces state-of-the-art technology and any expression that accurately represents the current times, and uses surreal, sci-fi and technology as motifs in his works. To put everything into his own prospective, on the contrary to his vision TAKCOM studies the most primitive movements, color, shapes, images
box-shadow ◀ ▶ From: 0 0 black To: 0 150px 10px -50px rgba(0,0,0,.5) Author: @leaverou Tweet