We focus on new customer acquisition for eCommerce and SAAS companies. We care about scaling profitably, not just appearing to have a great ROAS. So, we exclude all branded terms and retargeting from our advertising.We don’t assume we know anything. We think we have good ideas, but we A/B test everything and only make changes once we’ve proven they result in a better revenue/session.
Case Summary 1,2,3 Kerrie Wooltorton was a 26-year-old woman with a history of mental illness and prior suicide attempts with anti-freeze ingestion who presented to the emergency department of a hospital in the United Kingdom in 2007 after intentionally ingesting a toxic amount of antifreeze. She presented with the following letter: To whom this may concern, if I come into hospital regarding takin
Heute Archiv Suche Design Denklichter Denklichter.de ist ein privates Weblog über allerlei alltägliche und nicht alltägliche Geistesblitze und gelegentliche Größenwahnsinnigkeiten & Träumereien meinerseits.Denkgifte sind für mich subtile & zweckgerichtete Botschaften, die im Empfänger gewollte Gedanken-Manipulationen zum Schaden Vieler und Nutzen Weniger bewirken. Die verlorene Generation 1105.10