
socialとideaに関するdzflのブックマーク (2)

  • umai / index

    Untitled kitanoのアレ - ウェブ選挙の近未来:ウェブ選挙を戦う前提 「第二の道を経ないと第三の道へは行けない」が、「進展の速度は変えられる」 to politics&economics by mmddkk ... on TeraPad to software by aabe ...and 5 other people ... on 2ちゃんねるベストヒット: カラスはなんで感電しないのか? to 2ch カラス by takaaki ... on 窓の杜 - 【特集】スケジュール管理ソフトで時間を使いこなそう やっちゃで使える? to software by mersy ... on FrontPage - MacEmacs to emacs mac by keiji ...and 11 other people ... on 8-p.info | mixi Notifie

  • Outfoxed

    Outfoxed October 2011 NOTE: Lijit has now been acquired by Federated Media! -stan June 2006 NOTE: Outfoxed-the-master's-thesis has now become Lijit-the-company. Sign up the Lijit beta. I'll keep this site alive but won't be adding content here anymore. Thanks for your interest and support which has made this grand adventure possible. -stan There are over 8 billion web pages. Most of them suck. Out

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