
InformationとNuclearに関するechostのブックマーク (2)

  • [.com/.net] ドメインオークション | ドメイン取るならお名前.com

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    [.com/.net] ドメインオークション | ドメイン取るならお名前.com
    echost 2011/07/25
    "Genpatsu.net" - All Japan nuclear power plant news (日本全国の原発最新情報)
  • Save Japan

    As controversial as its reception are the conclusions of this documentary: that there is no sustainable fishing and that the only way to stop the damage to the oceans is to stop consuming fish and seafood. The same producers of the documentary Cowspiracy (2014) are once again making noise with a new investigation, Seaspiracy: unsustainable fishing. If in that first feature film they showed the imp

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