Jan. 08/赤十字社が負傷者を捜索させるようイスラエルに求める/'The ICRC said that it believed there were more wounded sheltering in the ruins of other houses in the same neighbourhood, and in an unusually robust public statement issued by the organisation's Geneva headquarters it demanded that the Israeli military grant it immediate access to search for them. '
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Jan. 08/赤十字社が負傷者を捜索させるようイスラエルに求める/'The ICRC said that it believed there were more wounded sheltering in the ruins of other houses in the same neighbourhood, and in an unusually robust public statement issued by the organisation's Geneva headquarters it demanded that the Israeli military grant it immediate access to search for them. '
mic1849 のブックマーク 2009/01/09 00:00
The Times & The Sunday Times
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