SweetRules supports the powerful Situated Courteous Logic Programs extension of RuleML, including prioritized conflict handling and procedural attachments for actions and tests.
June 9, 2022: Released Parliament™ version 2.8.1. Changes of note: This release includes a Docker image on Docker Hub: idemmons/parliament:2.8.1 Introduced a clean separation between Parliament's s...
SweetRules supports the powerful Situated Courteous Logic Programs extension of RuleML, including prioritized conflict handling and procedural attachments for actions and tests.
netiron のブックマーク 2007/04/07 10:37
GitHub - raytheonbbn/parliament: Standards-compliant triple store for RDF, OWL, and SPARQL
June 9, 2022: Released Parliament™ version 2.8.1. Changes of note: This release includes a Docker image on Docker Hub: idemmons/parliament:2.8.1 Introduced a clean separation between Parliament's s...
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