無法地帯ニューメキシコのドキュメンタリー「Off The Grid」お蔵入りシーン(←訂正 無関係ぽい) 裸で銃乱射のトリップしたヒッピーhttp://stagevu.com/video/jqrvffhweyrc 〉That’s something I never imagined during the Summer Of Love.

hisamichihisamichi のブックマーク 2010/09/01 12:30



At the foot of the mountains of madness:  Fat, nude, longhaired Jew shrooming and firing off .357s

    I lived in Northern New Mexico during the late 1960’s and from 2003 to 2008, right at the foot of the Sangre de Cristo (blood of Christ) mountain range. This is an area that has drawn artists, outl...

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