This is the first part of a series of articles on the Terraform E+A Pattern. Before getting into the details, let's establish some terminology. For the purpose of this article, the overall system consists of a number of environments that provide some shared, foundational infrastructure, and then several applications that are separately deployable into those environments. The goal of environments i
The source argument in a module block tells Terraform where to find the source code for the desired child module. Terraform uses this during the module installation step of terraform init to download the source code to a directory on local disk so that other Terraform commands can use it. Hands-on: Try the Use Modules From the Registry or Build and Use a Local Module tutorials. The module installe
Deliver infrastructure as codeTerraform codifies cloud APIs into declarative configuration files. AdoptCompose infrastructure as code in a Terraform file using HCL to provision resources from any infrastructure provider. BuildInfrastructure automation workflows to compose, collaborate, reuse, and provision infrastructure as code across IT operations and teams of developers. StandardizeEstablish gu