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This page describes methods and techniques relevant to package maintainers. For users and system engineers wishing to improve the security of running Debian systems, start from: SecurityManagement For package maintainers wishing to sandbox services using systemd, see: ServiceSandboxing Using Hardening Options Several compile-time options (detailed below) can be used to help harden a resulting bina
For a system administrator, having to perform security vulnerability analysis and software update on a daily basis can be a burden. To avoid downtime in a production environment, it is common for a system administrator to choose not to use the automatic update option provided by the package manager and to perform update manually. This leads to the following problems. The system administrator will
A potentially breaking change has been made to the XML output in version 2.0.0-beta4. Previously, multiple <certificate> elements could be returned (one by default, and a second one if --show-certificate was used). The key changes are: A new parent <certificates> element that will contain the <certificate> elements. <certificate> elements have a new type attribute, which can either be: short for t
Overview What forms of isolation does it provide Which use-cases are supported Isolation of network services (inetd style) Isolation with access to a private, cloned interface (requires root/setuid) Isolation of local processes Isolation of local processes (and re-running them, if necessary) Examples of use Bash in a minimal file-system with uid==0 and access to /dev/urandom only /usr/bin/find in
AIDE (Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment, [eyd]) is a file and directory integrity checker. It creates a database from the regular expression rules that it finds from the config file(s). Once this database is initialized it can be used to verify the integrity of the files. It has several message digest algorithms (see below) that are used to check the integrity of the file. All of the usual
Firejail is a lightweight security tool intended to protect a Linux system by setting up a restricted environment for running (potentially untrusted) applications. More specifically, it is an SUID sandbox program that reduces the risk of security breaches by using Linux namespaces, seccomp-bpf and Linux capabilities. It allows a process and all its descendants to have their own private view of the
$ wafw00f -l ______ / \ ( Woof! ) \ ____/ ) ,, ) (_ .-. - _______ ( |__| ()``; |==|_______) .)|__| / (' /|\ ( |__| ( / ) / | \ . |__| \(_)_)) / | \ |__| ~ WAFW00F : v2.2.0 ~ The Web Application Firewall Fingerprinting Toolkit [+] Can test for these WAFs: WAF Name Manufacturer -------- ------------ ACE XML Gateway Cisco aeSecure aeSecure AireeCDN Airee Airlock Phion/Ergon Alert Logic Alert Logic Al
This is tis-interpreter, an interpreter of C for detecting undefined behavior. tis-interpreter detects subtle bugs in C programs that may not have eye-visible effects when executing the same programs compiled in the traditional way. Some of the bugs that are discovered lead to security vulnerabilities. Fortunately, most don’t. tis-interpreter works by interpreting C programs statement by statement