Flash 8: Marching Ants Selection Rectangle Marching ants rectangles are probably not priority #1 in an application, but they are a nice visual clue to the user that she is currently opening a selection rect. So if you are still looking for a nice "pimp up your app" part, look no further: This an example for a very simple visual widget that you could also build with the Flash Drawing API, where it
<div align='center'> If you can see this, your browser does not support frames. <h2>Please click the link below</h2><a href="http://www.ipb.pt/~vquelhas/research">http://www.ipb.pt/~vquelhas/research</a></div>
Flash 8 Examples www.senocular.com The Flash examples have moved to the Flash Source Files section of senocular.com. Please update your bookmarks.
Allan ChangarArchitect, Father, and Volunteer in Cumming, GA Cloud operations leader for the largest national provider of release of information. I am a Guy who loves his family, love scuba diving, running, working out, beer, football, new gadgets, travelling and having fun. My family and friends make me happy to be alive! Email me with any questions or comments or just to say hi, and let's stay c
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