
関連タグで絞り込む (2)


airとenvironmentに関するfujikumoのブックマーク (2)

  • Indian capital chokes as pollution levels hit the worst this year

    fujikumo 2018/12/27
    クリスマスの日、インドの首都New Delhiの大気汚染は悪化。緊急事態と言える状況に。公衆衛生の危機。寒気と無風状態のために、自動車からのガス、石炭火力発電や工場から排出される汚染物質、人々が暖を取るための煙
  • The East is grey

    The East is greyChina is the world’s worst polluter but largest investor in green energy. Its rise will have as big an impact on the environment as on the world economy or politics ALL industrial nations one day hit an environmental turning-point, an event that dramatises to the population the ecological consequences of growth. In America that event occurred in 1969 when the Cuyahoga river in Ohio

    The East is grey
    fujikumo 2013/08/12
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