Middenweg 39-I 1098 AC Amsterdam google maps +31 204869019 mail: roel@xelor.nl skype: xelorolex Satellites YouTube, Flickr Social Facebook, Twitter Film Distribution Eye Film Production Company Nexus Productions This website is designed by Roel Wouters & Jonas Lund This website is coded by Jonas Lund Trained as graphic designer, Roel works as an independent conditional designer / director in the f
There was a time when Nick aka thesupermarket once ruled the spot of #1 COLOURlover. He has since moved to NYC to attend Parsons School of Design and has continued his creative genius in the physical world. His latest creations are awkwardly wonderful… Dipsticks each piece is made of 1 can of paint and a plastic figurine like a super-hero only none of them are super-heros. the sculptures are made
English - Danish - German - French - Italian Swedish - Norwegian - Dutch - Spanish - Portuguese (Brazilian) - Turkish - Ukrainian For lovers of freedom all over the world I began this book during the Black Lives Matter protests of 2020. Many of the young protesters seemed to be focusing mainly on police killings of black Americans, without much knowledge of the underlying historica
■■第1章:ヒトラーは遥か未来を透視していた!? ■三島由紀夫がヒトラーについて語った言葉 「ところでヒトラーね。彼がやったことは世界中の人が知ってる。だけど、彼がほんとは何者だったのか誰も知っちゃいない。ナチの独裁者、第二次世界大戦の最大戦犯、アウシュヴィッツの虐殺者、悪魔……。これがいままでのヒトラー観だけど、ほんとはそれどころじゃない。 彼のほんとの恐ろしさは別のところにある。 それは彼が、ある途方もない秘密を知っていたってことだ。人類が結局どうなるかっていう秘密だ。彼は未来を見通す目を持っていて、それを通じて、その途方もない未来の秘密に到達しちゃった」 「だから五島君。もしきみが10年後でも20年後でも、ヒトラーのことをやる機会があったら、そこんところをよく掘り下げてみることだ。もしきみにいくらかでも追求能力があれば、とんでもないことが見つかるぜ。ほんとの人類の未来が見つかる。やつ
Faded Glory Ruched Shoulder Tank (China Red), 2003 Originally purchased on June 18, 2003 for $9.77 from the Wal-Mart store in Berlin, Vermont. The clothing was duplicated by hand, matching pattern, fabric, and embellishments. The tags from the original item were sewn into the duplicate. The duplicate was returned to the rack in Wal-Mart for potential sale at $9.77. Left: purchased item - Right: ph
Artist Web Projects Twenty-seven years of commissioning projects for the web