建築におけるユーザビリティ 1/2 認知性の欠如 8月21日 読了までに約6分 世間では、ユーザビリティ、特に認知性を考慮しない建築物が数多く作られている。建築家が独自性をだそうと頑張れば頑張るほど、作られる三次元空間は認知の困難なものになってしまう。 このコラムについて日本ユーザビリティ界のリーダー・黒須正明教授(略歴)による「ユーザ工学」講義。ユーザビリティ・UX・HCDなどの重要なトピックを解説してくれています。 YouTube、始めました 7月25日 読了までに約5分 2024年5月にYouTubeチャンネルを開設し、そこで「黒須のユーザ工学入門」を連載することにした。講演や講義とは違ってもっとオープンにして、広い範囲の人たちに話を届けたいという気持ちがあったのだ。
As enablers of online conversations between businesses and customers, Web forms are often responsible for gathering critical information—email addresses for continued communications, mailing addresses for product shipments, and billing information for payment processing to name just a few. So it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that one of the most common questions I get asked about Web form d
While there are many changes for the better in the HTML5 specification, there is no better bang for the buck for the data driven website than the transformation of forms. These simple changes will transform how you enter, validate, process, and even display inputs. You will be able to create more usable web applications with less code and less confusion. Introduction What's in Store? "In the recen
Today we are going to examine 15 bits of user interface and experience design that really heighten the experience of using a site or application. Use these website, iPhone and desktop application examples as inspiration for creating your own uniquely addicting user experiences. 19 Million+ Digital Assets, With Unlimited Downloads Get unlimited downloads of 19+ million design resources, themes, tem
President of WebFX. Bill has over 25 years of experience in the Internet marketing industry specializing in SEO, UX, information architecture, marketing automation and more. William’s background in scientific computing and education from Shippensburg and MIT provided the foundation for MarketingCloudFX and other key research and development projects at WebFX. Our instinctive dislike for forms orig