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UI is the vocabulary of the web. Semantic empowers designers and developers by creating a language for sharing UI. Lose the Hieroglyphics: Semantic is structured around natural language conventions to make development more intuitive. Have a conversation with your components: Semantic gives you a variety of UI components with real-time debug output, letting your code tell you what its doing.
Freebies 10 Super Useful Free Icon Font Sets Henry JonesFebruary 26, 20135 Comments05.2k Icon fonts are great because, as you may have guessed, they are delivered as a font. This gives them a number of advantages over traditional image icons. For instance, if you want to change the color, it can easily be done with CSS. Whereas with an image, you would need to have a separate version of the icon.
AndroidやiPhoneのHTML,CSS,JavaScriptのバグまとめ AndroidやiPhoneなどのスマートフォンではHTML,CSS,JavaScriptにバグが多くてコーディングが大変になります。そこでバグを紹介しているサイト、記事をまとめてみました。(中にはバグではなく仕様なものもあるかもしれません) iOS 8.4.1の:hover問題 iOS 8.4.1で:hoverを指定していると1タップでページ遷移できない問題 【STINGER5】AndroidのChromeで が「・」になってる気がする | ビビビッ を に変更すると直るとのこと。 Mobile Safari 8でposition: fixedした擬似要素が完全に位置が固定されない - Weblog - Hail2u.net Mobile Safari 8でposition: