Willkommen auf WebsiteBerater.com WebsiteBerater.com ist eine kostenlose Sammlung von Ressourcen für alle, die zum ersten Mal eine eigene Website erstellen. Genauso ist WebsiteBerater.com aber auch für erfahrenere Benuzter und Webmaster geeignet, um sich an Dinge zu erinnern, die sie schon lange nicht mehr gebraucht haben, oder Tipps und Tricks zu aktuellen Themen zu finden. Auf der Homepage diese
In this tutorial, Justin Tadlock walks you through everything you need to know about meta boxes: from creating them to retrieving custom meta data on the front end. What seems like one of the most complicated bits of functionality in WordPress is adding meta boxes to the post editing screen. This complexity only grows as more and more tutorials are written on the process with weird loops and array
One of the things I’ve been hoping would be implemented in WordPress for years is the ability to create custom content types. The inability to do this has been WordPress’ weakest point when compared to rivals in the CMS market. In WordPress 3.0, we’ll have the capability to easily create and manage content via custom post types. With a few lines of code in a plugin, you can have your own types. Th
Interested in functions, hooks, classes, or methods? Check out the new WordPress Code Reference! Languages: English • API/フィルターフック一覧 日本語 (Add your language) This article contains an extensive (but not 100% comprehensive) list of the filter hooks available for use in plugin development in Version 2.1 and above of WordPress. For more information: To learn more about what filter and action hooks are,
This is a (hopefully) comprehensive list of action hooks available in WordPress version 2.1 and above. For more information: To learn more about what filter and action hooks are, see Plugin API. To learn about writing plugins in general, see Plugin Handbook. For a reference list of filter hooks, see Plugin API/Filter Reference. (If you want to add to or clarify this documentation, please follow th
Overall, a good experience. However, an issue with the image API arose on a client’s site. the support team told me that the API had changed, but the documentation had not yet been updated. This is very disappointing, given that I’m now using a paid product (version 3.2.7 at the time of this review).
Interested in functions, hooks, classes, or methods? Check out the new WordPress Code Reference! When coding WordPress plugins you often need to reference various files and folders throughout the WordPress installation and within your plugin or theme. WordPress provides several functions for easily determining where a given file or directory lives. Always use these functions in your plugins instea
Typical Website Design and Development MilestonesThe length of time needed to develop a website varies based on the complexity of your project, the size of the website, and how quickly you respond to requests for feedback or approval. For the most part, however, most sites are completed within 6-8 weeks. Below is a typical timeline for the complete design and development of a custom WordPress driv