
2023年4月5日のブックマーク (1件)

  • How to be a -10x Engineer

    +10x engineers may be mythical, but -10x engineers exist. To become a -10x engineer, simply waste 400 engineering hours per week. Combine the following strategies: Nullify the output of 10 engineers. Change requirements as far into development as possible. To avoid blame, obfuscate requirements from the start. Create 400 hours of busywork. Ask your team to perform tasks that resemble work. Common

    iselegant 2023/04/05
    (ダメな方の) 10xエンジニアになる方法。アウトプットしない、無駄なツールを作る、無意味なテストを書く、価値のないドキュメントを書く、などなど。まあ反面教師で考えれば、良い方の10xエンジニアを目指せるかも?w