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概要 Optimal BizのWindows AgentはながらくVisual Studio 2005とVisual Studio 2015を併用してビルドする必要がありました。Visual Studio 2015化対応は2012年のVisual Studio 2012化対応からスタートしていましたが、対応範囲の大きさからモジュールごとにVisual Studio 2015化対応を行ってきました。そして2024年リリースのBiz 9.19.0にてVisual Studio 2015化対応は完了を迎えました。 しかし、埋め込まれたバグの修正にはCOMの理解が不可欠であったため、2020年代に突入した今になって私達はこれまで正面戦争を避けてきたCOMを0から学び直す必要がありました。そしてATLの不思議な挙動やSTAにおける再入との戦いを乗り越え、無事にリリースされました。 はじめに Opti
While the <chrono> header has been available as part of the STL since C++11, among the changes included in C++20 there were several extensions to chrono including support for calendrical types, time zones, leap seconds, and integration with format. A great deal of innovation and work was required in order to complete these additional features; shipping these new C++20 additions so soon would not h
春になって禁断症状🧟(目と鼻が大変なことになる)を抑えるために 薬💊が手放せないgood sun☀こと山口です。 blog投稿も1年ぶりかそれ以上のスパンになりまして📆、 完全に前回の投稿を忘れてしまいつつ時代も進みました。 C++20がそろそろ正式公開目前となりドキュメントのページもさらに増量📚、 個人的にはC++17でも十分おなかいっぱい、 且つそろそろ新しい事を始めてみたいなと思ったので、 巷で人気のRustを始めてみました。 ガベコレが無いのはとても魅力的です。 D言語もガベコレさえなければなぁと考えてしまいます。 Rustの導入の仕方はgoogle先生に聞くと沢山の先人が丁寧に教えてくれるので割愛します。 (WindowsならVisutal Studio Codeから使える環境が楽なのでお勧めです) 代わりに実際Rustで何かツールを作り始めたりするきっかけになるような
Dev BlogsC++ Team BlogNow announcing: Makefile support in Visual Studio Code! We are excited to announce a brand-new extension for building and debugging Makefile projects in Visual Studio Code: Makefile Tools (preview)! The extension is in pilot stages, but we’ve curated a list of over 70 popular opensource Makefile projects that work with Makefile Tools. Give it a try and let us know what you th
C++ module support has arrived in Visual Studio! Grab the latest Visual Studio Preview if you want to try it out. C++ modules can help you compartmentalize your code, speed up build times, and they work seamlessly, side-by-side with your existing code. This preview only supports C++ modules in the IDE for MSBuild projects. While the MSVC toolset is supported by any build system, Visual Studio’s ID
Qt is a popular cross-platform framework for application development and user interface design. Its various libraries and toolsets can be used to create, test, and deploy applications that target multiple platforms and operating systems including Linux, Windows, macOS and embedded/microcontroller systems. Qt recently released a new version of the Qt Visual Studio Tools extension that integrates wi
vcpkg: Accelerate your team development environment with binary caching and manifests This post was updated on September 21, 2020 to add more information on the GitHub Packages binary caching example. Please see our Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8 Preview 3 release notes for more of our latest features. September is the biggest month for us in the Microsoft C++ team as it’s CppCon month! Our team
Build systems and users wishing to use the 16.8 toolset should take note of the new changes. IntelliSense Visual C++ would not be… visual without IntelliSense. In 16.8 we’re adding full support for using IntelliSense in modules, both for writing Module interfaces (.ixx) and getting IntelliSense from imported Modules and header units. IntelliSense support for imported Modules will not be available
Please see our Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8 Preview 3 release notes for more of our latest features. It’s been a long journey for coroutines in C++ and in MSVC. We announced an early preview of resumable functions in 2013, followed up by the /await switch and initial C++ standardization proposals in 2014, to proposal revisions in 2015, and have continued tracking the Coroutines TS (Technical Sp
⌚ This post was last updated on March 24, 2021 with up-to-date information as of the 16.9 release of Visual Studio. Special thanks to Jim Radigan and Matthew McGovern for providing the content for this blog post. Note: This feature is now generally available. To get started, take a look at the official AddressSanitizer for Windows with MSVC documentation. Last October, we announced AddressSanitize
アンマネージのC言語で作られたライブラリなどへ.NETのプログラム(マネージ)から文字列を渡す場合、System::String^からchar*へ変換する必要があります。 この場合、 System::Runtime::InteropServices::Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsiメソッド を使って変換します。 char*ポインタを使い終わったら System::Runtime::InteropServices::Marshal::FreeHGlobalメソッド でメモリを解放します。 以下、.NETのファイルを開くダイアログボックスを使ってファイル名を取得し、OpenCVの画像読込関数(cvLoadImage)へ渡す例を示します。 //ファイルを開くダイアログの作成 OpenFileDialog^ dlg = gcnew OpenFileDialog; //ファ
C++ Linux development with Visual Studio: incremental build improvements and expanded shell support Visual Studio 2019 allows C++ developers to target both Windows and Linux (including the Windows Subsystem for Linux) from the comfort of a single IDE. Visual Studio 2019 version 16.7 Preview 3 introduces two features specific to Linux development: improved build incrementality for MSBuild-based Lin