C++ module support has arrived in Visual Studio! Grab the latest Visual Studio Preview if you want to try it out. C++ modules can help you compartmentalize your code, speed up build times, and they work seamlessly, side-by-side with your existing code. This preview only supports C++ modules in the IDE for MSBuild projects. While the MSVC toolset is supported by any build system, Visual Studio’s ID
Qt is a popular cross-platform framework for application development and user interface design. Its various libraries and toolsets can be used to create, test, and deploy applications that target multiple platforms and operating systems including Linux, Windows, macOS and embedded/microcontroller systems. Qt recently released a new version of the Qt Visual Studio Tools extension that integrates wi
vcpkg: Accelerate your team development environment with binary caching and manifests This post was updated on September 21, 2020 to add more information on the GitHub Packages binary caching example. Please see our Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8 Preview 3 release notes for more of our latest features. September is the biggest month for us in the Microsoft C++ team as it’s CppCon month! Our team
Build systems and users wishing to use the 16.8 toolset should take note of the new changes. IntelliSense Visual C++ would not be… visual without IntelliSense. In 16.8 we’re adding full support for using IntelliSense in modules, both for writing Module interfaces (.ixx) and getting IntelliSense from imported Modules and header units. IntelliSense support for imported Modules will not be available
Please see our Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8 Preview 3 release notes for more of our latest features. It’s been a long journey for coroutines in C++ and in MSVC. We announced an early preview of resumable functions in 2013, followed up by the /await switch and initial C++ standardization proposals in 2014, to proposal revisions in 2015, and have continued tracking the Coroutines TS (Technical Sp
What’s New We’ve been busy implementing C++20 features in MSVC’s compiler and Standard Library, and migrating the latter to microsoft/STL on GitHub – in fact, we’ve been so busy that we haven’t posted a C++ toolset changelog since the VS 2019 16.0 toolset changelog. So, here are the compiler features and STL features/fixes that have shipped for production use in the last year. As a reminder, the /
In Visual Studio 2019 version 16.6 Preview 3 or later you can try building your project on Linux directly from Visual Studio with CMake and Ninja to leverage these performance improvements and cut down on build times. First-class support for gdbserver in CMake projects In Visual Studio 2019 version 16.6 Preview 2 we introduced a new debugging template to simplify remote debugging with gdb. In Visu
こんにちは、Visual Studio サポート チームです。 今回は Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 に含まれる Visual C++ "14" ランタイム ライブラリを必須コンポーネントに含めてインストーラーを作成する場合に発生する可能性がある問題と対処方法をご案内いたします。 <2017 年 7 月 4 日追記> Product.xml に指定する Product 属性の内容につきましては、Visual Studio 2017 RTMに対する値でのご案内となっております。 ダウンロード ページから入手していただける最新の Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable のバージョンに対する Product 属性の値につきましては、現在正しい値を確認中です。 確認の結果が得られ次第この記事にてご案内いたしますので、大変恐れ入りますが今しばらくお
Welcome to the C++ Tutorial. In this first C++ tutorial, you will learn how to write (and run!) your first C++ program, “Hello, World!”. Along the way you will learn a little C++ history, see how to configure a C++ console application in Visual Studio 2017, walk through code structure, and see how code is built. Acknowledgements This tutorial series is a remix of C++: A General Purpose Language an
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.3 preview is now available, containing an updated Visual C++ toolset (i.e. compiler, linker, and libraries). Like VS 2015’s Updates, we’re adding C++17 features in VS 2017’s Updates, at a similar release frequency. Unlike VS 2015’s Updates (which combined IDE and toolset changes), VS 2017’s IDE is being updated more frequently (with what we’re calling “minor Updates”)
点这里看中文版 Concepts promise to fundamentally change how we write templated C++ code. They’re in a Technical Specification (TS) right now, but, like Coroutines, Modules, and Ranges, it’s good to get a head start on learning these important features before they make it into the C++ Standard. You can already use Visual Studio 2017 for Coroutines, Modules, and Ranges through a fork of Range-v3. Now you c
Dev BlogsC++ Team BlogIntroducing a new, advanced Visual C++ code optimizer We are excited to announce the preview release of a new, advanced code optimizer for the Visual C++ compiler backend. It provides many improvements for both code size and performance, bringing the optimizer to a new standard of quality expected from a modern native compiler. This is the first public release and we are enco