
関連タグで絞り込む (1)


regexpに関するita-wasaのブックマーク (1)

  • Will's Code

    emacs GNU emacs is likely the most useful program written in the past 20 years. It isn't a text editor as much as a lisp engine with powerful text and display management functionality. emacs makes a great platform for writing apps that use a text interface. ssh-agent.el - runs ssh-agent from within emacs, setting the proper env variables. Also execute ssh-add and prompt the user for any requested

    ita-wasa 2008/10/28
    oregexp - a port driver for the Oniguruma regular expressions library which supports Ruby's extended regexp syntax including named groups, POSIX character classes, look-ahead, and many different character encodings. The latest version of the code is available in a darcs repository, http://glozer.net
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