
artに関するjeremyのブックマーク (3)

  • all manner of distractions

    I tend to avoid trying new things until the last minute. I usually have to be dragged kicking and pouting into new technology or a new way of thinking. However, if I need to learn something new for a client, though I will still kick and pout, I find the threat of a shitty deadline is just the thing to allow me to dive into something new. JBox2D is the new thing that is occupying my time these days

  • 鑫鼎娱乐-鑫鼎娱乐手机版-鑫鼎娱乐官网

    走进羲皇 羲皇 简介 西安羲皇环保科技有限公司是一家专业从事室内环境健康的环保高科技企业,主营:室内空气检测,室内污染治理,室内环境检测,室内空气净化,有害气体检测处理,装修除味,装修污染检测治理,甲醛、苯、氨、TVOC等有害气体超标检测治理。公司作为西安市室内污染检测治理环保工程龙头示范企业,受到省室内环境质量监测中心的支持与认可,已获得中国环境质量监测治理行业中“质量信誉AAA级荣誉”。公司发展过程中,不断与国内多个环保科研机构交流合作,以国家标准为依据,不断改进自身技术,走在市场的前沿,规模不断扩大。 在处理室内污染物时从根治室内空气污染着手,以有效清除与分解甲醛、苯、氨、TVOC等有害气体为目标,特别是对甲醛、苯、TVOC等顽固污染气体的定向清除技术的突破,解决了长期以来这些室内污染杀手对人们健康的危害,同时提供防止细菌、病菌、霉菌对人体侵害的健康防护,全面提升室内空气环境质量,与

  • Fine Art & Sculpture | Kris Kuksi Fine Art | United States

    "A postindustrial Rococo master, Kris Kuksi obsessively arranges characters and architecture with an exquisite sense of drama. Kuksi uses screaming plastic soldiers, miniature engine blocks, towering spires and assorted debris to form his land scapes. The political, spiritual, and material conflict within these shrines is enacted under the calm gaze of remote deities and august statuary. Kuksi man

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