Running feature specs with Capybara and Chrome headless July 05, 2017 – Tim Petricola – 2-minute read This article was written before Drivy was acquired by Getaround, and became Getaround EU. Some references to Drivy may therefore remain in the post At Drivy, we’ve been using Capybara and PhantomJS to run our feature specs for years. Even with its issues, PhantomJS is a great way to interact with
Sorry™ BlogWelcome to our blog, where communication meets efficiency. Dive into expert insights and practical advice on managing incidents, navigating change, and enhancing visibility. Why you need a status pageCustomer trust depends on transparency during service disruptions. A status page is essential, providing real-time updates to maintain trust and manage expectations effectively.
多くのiOSエンジニアが愛用していたβテスティングサービスのTestFlightですが、2015年2月26日をもってtestflightapp.comが閉鎖になるという公式アナウンスがありました。 TestFlightを運営するBurstly社がApple社に買収され、現在ではiTunes ConnectからTestFlightが利用出来るようになっています。今後は後継となるTestF...多くのiOSエンジニアが愛用していたβテスティングサービスのTestFlightですが、2015年2月26日をもってtestflightapp.comが閉鎖になるという公式アナウンスがありました。 TestFlightを運営するBurstly社がApple社に買収され、現在ではiTunes Connectから TestFlightが利用出来るようになっています。今後は後継となるTestFlight B
UPDATED: I've updated the instructions based on feedback in the comments suggesting the use of the --dummy-path=spec/dummy --skip-test-unit options on the rails plugin new command. Recently, we've been doing a lot more with Rails engines. We've developed a few engines that we've released publicly, and even more that we use privately on applications. We've found it's a good way to organize and shar
What is it? Geb is a browser automation solution. It brings together the power of WebDriver, the elegance of jQuery content selection, the robustness of Page Object modelling and the expressiveness of the Groovy language. It can be used for scripting, scraping and general automation — or equally as a functional/web/acceptance testing solution via integration with testing frameworks such as Spock,