A design-conscious software-engineer who used to code for food and shelter, but now builds teams of smarter people who build amazing things. I care about #graphics, #design, #craft, #architecture, #typography, #photography, #dataviz, #ux, #japan and #mobile. I am currently an Engineering Manager on Google Maps, focused on opinions, imagery, design, and iOS. Previously at Google, I was the Engineer
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Everyday, we look at dozens of websites. The structure of these websites is defined in HTML, the lingua franca for publishing information on the web. Your browser's job is to render the HTML according to the specs (most of the time, at least). You can look at the code behind any website by selecting the "View source" tab somewhere in your browser's menu.HTML consists of so-called tags, like the A
The Dancing Links algorithm solving a polycube puzzle In computer science, dancing links (DLX) is a technique for adding and deleting a node from a circular doubly linked list. It is particularly useful for efficiently implementing backtracking algorithms, such as Knuth's Algorithm X for the exact cover problem.[1] Algorithm X is a recursive, nondeterministic, depth-first, backtracking algorithm t
Instructions: Arrange the vertices such that no edges overlap.
うちの会社では「グラフ理論を小学校のうちに学んでおかないから、そういうことになるんジャイ!(`ω´)」とか冗談とも本気とも取れないような会話が平気で行き交う。それほどグラフ理論は大切な分野なのにプログラマには見過ごされがちだ。ただ、グラフ理論にはいい本が少ない。そこで、グラフ理論ならこれを読め!という本を紹介する。まずは、入門書としては、左の本がお勧め。 大学の教科書としてよく採用されているのが左の「最適化とグラフ理論 技術者のための高等数学」値段も手ごろだし、高校卒業程度の知識でも読めると思う。 「そんな入門書ではなくて、もっと詳しい本は無いか?」とid:Ozyさんに聞かれて私が勧めたのは、シュプリンガー・フェアラーク東京シリーズの「グラフ理論」 このシリーズは黄色い表紙とお馬さんのマークが目印だ。 これより詳しい本となると日本語で読めるものは発売されていないと思う。「グラフ同型判定問題
Maps Here you will find static and dynamic 2D JPG/PNG images and 3D VRML maps of the Internet. These maps are built off of our database using two different graphing engines: Large Graph Layout (LGL) by Alex Adai and Graphviz by Peter North at AT&T Labs Research. Each graphing engine produces wonderful displays, but they are only as good as the data and graphing language we provide. You can find ou