
c++に関するkakedaのブックマーク (3)

  • Cpputest

    What is CppUTest. CppUTest is a C /C++ based unit xUnit test framework for unit testing and for test-driving your code. It is written in C++ but is used in C and C++ projects and frequently used in embedded systems but it works for any C/C++ project. CppUTest’s core design principles are: Simple in design and simple in use. Portable to old and new platforms. Build with Test-driven Development for

    kakeda 2009/09/11
  • C/C++ Technical Documents

    C++ 寄稿記事 επιστημη 氏から寄稿していただいた、開発者の方々にお役に立つテクニカルドキュメントです。Articles、References、Miscelaneousに分かれて説明しています。初心者の方からプロの方まで役に立つ読み物と資料集です。是非、開発のお役にお立て下さい。 Articles: 読み物 References: 資料集 Miscelaneous: 番外編

    kakeda 2009/09/09
  • XP Epsiode

    Chose Vacation RentalsTips for renting your Vacation Rentals Whether you are a tenant or a landlord, here are some practical tips to help you prepare your vacation. Booking a vacation rental The reservation of your holiday rental is made directly with the landlord. It is recommended to confirm your reservation by sending a rental contract and a deposit or deposit. The balance of the stay will be p

    kakeda 2008/02/05
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