CSS で table に斜線を引いてみました。下の表の左上の斜線に CSS を使ってます。 サンプル(クリックすればサンプルページに移動します) Windows XP + IE6 / IE7 / Firefox3 / Safri3 / Google Chrome で確認しています。 ポイントは以下です。 th 要素に position: relative; 斜線を引く要素(ここでは span)に position: absolute; を設定。 斜線(border)を適用する要素の前に を設定。 がなかったり、要素の後方に があると、th のスタイルが隠れてしまう。 クロスブラウザにするため、font-size や line-height など、いくつかのプロパティを設定。 HTML <table summary="data"> <thead> <t
This tutorial was written in 2002... it needs to be updated for XHTML standards and I don't have the time but will get to it some day this year... (2006) If you really want to become a CSS expert then buy one of these books and create pages and pages of designs. I did this for years at a job and am a CSS/XHTML expert, out of work now. Tables styled with CSS rules are much more efficient, if done w
Tables have got to be one of the most difficult objects to style in the Web, thanks to the cryptic markup, the amount of detail we have to take care of, and lack of browser compatibility. A lot of time could be wasted on a single table although it’s just a simple one. This article was written back in 2008 when the concept of responsive web design hasn’t been created just yet. You may want to check