
sslとswiftに関するkenzan8000のブックマーク (1)

  • Certificate pinning technique on iOS

    Hi, folks! Today we are going to talk about security. To completely comprehend these concepts presented here I need to provide some background knowledge about how SSL/TLS works and other stuff. Of course, it is not a deep dive, it is just a simple explanation before starting the main subject, if you already know it, it is ok, just step out this part and go to next section. At the final we are goin

    Certificate pinning technique on iOS
    kenzan8000 2021/03/04
    certificate pinning is client side certificate validation that a client compares the local certificate and the one on the server. (when the certificate expires, client needs to update it. if the certificate firstly client gets is already poisoned by middle man, that doesn't work.)
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