
Imageに関するkerrylのブックマーク (3)

  • Slide Menu - JavaScript Made Easy

    Menu with an interesting effect - picture moves aside and than another picture moves back. Like a film in projector. <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- n = (document.layers) ? 1:0 ie = (document.all) ? 1:0 function init() { slideoutActive = 0 if (n) { slideout1 = document.slideoutInterface.document.slideoutContent.document.slideoutContent1 slideout2 = document.slideoutInterface.document.slideoutC

    kerryl 2006/03/02
    "Menu with an interesting effect - picture moves aside and than another picture moves back. Like a film in projector."
  • Source Code - JsMadeEasy.com

    When you click on the link it will stay highlighted. When you click on another link, that link will become highlighted and the other will turn off! <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- Hide from old browsers var NN3 = false; image1 = new Image(); image1.src = "IMAGE FILE OFF"; image1on = new Image(); image1on.src = "IMAGE FILE ON"; image2 = new Image(); image2.src = "IMAGE FILE OFF"; image2on = new

    kerryl 2006/03/02
    "When you click on the link it will stay highlighted. When you click on another link, that link will become highlighted and the other will turn off!"
  • SF Gate: Multimedia (image)

    Object:Lethal Beauty / The Allure: Beauty and an easy route to:/c/a/2005/10/30/MNG2NFF7KI1.DTL Article:Lethal Beauty / The Allure: Beauty and an easy route to:/c/a/2005/10/30/MNG2NFF7KI1.DTL Article:Lethal Beauty / The Allure: Beauty and an easy route to:/c/a/2005/10/30/MNG2NFF7KI1.DTL

    kerryl 2005/11/02
    The first suicide occurred 10 weeks after the bridge opened in 1937. Over the years there have been seven attempts to build a bridge barrier.
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