
関連タグで絞り込む (1)


coverletに関するkkamegawaのブックマーク (1)

  • .NET Core Code Coverage as a Global Tool with coverlet

    Last week I blogged about "dotnet outdated," an essential .NET Core "global tool" that helps you find out what NuGet package reference you need to update. .NET Core Global Tools are really taking off right now. They are meant for devs - this isn't a replacement for chocolatey or apt-get - this is more like npm's global developer tools. They're putting together a better way to find and identify glo

    .NET Core Code Coverage as a Global Tool with coverlet
    kkamegawa 2018/07/20
    coverletというオープンソースのコードカバレッジツールを使って .NET Coreでコードカバレッジを取得しようという話。まだ公式のカバレッジ採取はない(はず)ので、ありがたい。
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