debugとWMIに関するkomorihのブックマーク (1)

  • MSDN Blogs

    Microsoft Advanced Windows Debugging and Troubleshooting - Contributions to this blog are made by the Microsoft Global Business Support - Windows Serviceability team. When Special Pool is not so Special Hi Everyone.  Richard here in the UK GES team bringing you an interesting case we saw recently... Author: ntdebug Date: 11/04/2015 We Are Hiring – North Carolina and Texas Would you like to join th

    MSDN Blogs
    komorih 2009/11/13
    この解析のキモは,ディスパッチャオブジェクト内のアドレスから .foreach コマンドで IRP を発見するテク (毎回上手くいくとは限らないケド)
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