Designers used to create animations in HTML elements using CSS. However, due to the limitations of HTML elements in creating patterns, shapes, and others, they naturally turn to SVG, which offers more interesting capabilities. Working with SVG, we enjoy good browser support for SVG animation, and we have more ways to create new animation. You can use both the built-in SVG animation functionality o
User Interface Design patterns are recurring solutions that solve common design problems. Design patterns are standard reference points for the experienced user interface designer. Product Insights at your fingertips. Our confidence-boosting product tools for business growth are practical guides and strategies that will immediately amplify the expertise of you and your team.
Menu Microinteractions A New O’Reilly Book Coming 2013 What is a Microinteraction? Microinteractions are contained product moments that revolve around a single use case—they have one main task. Every time you change a setting, sync your data or devices, set an alarm, pick a password, log in, set a status message, or favorite or “like” something, you are engaging with a microinteraction. They are e
Microinteractions are subtle moments centered around accomplishing a single task. Almost all products around us (both physical and digital) are filled in with microinteractions. Here are just a few examples: Visual feedback that confirms the fact that a new item is added to cartPull-to-refresh that helps us update contentInterface animation that acknowledges certain action (e.g. toggle button)Ever
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When I started this blog, way back in 2006, I had no clue how long it would last. I actually had no idea I could even write about something for more than a couple of days. It is funny how things go. Once I read in a book that the secret of happiness was low expectations. That explains why, for over a decade, I have been running this site. It also explains why you might end up on this page. Not los
Thousands of UI/UX resources from great and resourceful designers around the world Sharing and building on each other's work is the ultimate form of learning and retaining knowledge. Since 2012, we're curating some of the best resources to help you design, prototype, and collaborate better and faster. UI Kits Apps Icons Illustrations Wireframes Ideas Web iOS Material Data Forms Mockups Real Annota