
SFとtwitterに関するlamichのブックマーク (1)

  • Salary Man

    Find out what H1B engineers are getting paid. Sorted by salary, top 50 per zipcode. Ben Fry has a cool app to help you locate different zipcodes. The data are from 2010 applications, and what I put down as "salary" is the proposed yearly wage by the employers. Also, to keep the data manageable and focused, I only processed the applications that were (1) approved and (2) had the word "engineering"

    lamich 2011/09/30
    engineer[[director][microsoft]シリコンバレーのディレクターやエンジニアの年収がわかるサイト Facebook:94304,Apple:95014,Google:94043,Twitter:94107,Microsoft:98052を入力すると1300万ドル超えとかうじゃうじゃ出てきます
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