
mooseとsartakに関するlesamoureusesのブックマーク (1)

  • sartak: YAPC::Asia 2009 Moose course

    2009-09-17 YAPC::Asia 2009 Moose course I have received a lot of good feedback about my YAPC::Asia 2009 Moose course. Several people on IRC and Twitter thanked me. I got second-hand reports of students taking the course then immediately being able to write useful Moose code. That is nothing short of ideal. It makes me very happy that people not only enjoyed the course, but that it was practical. S

    lesamoureuses 2009/09/18
    実習交えた研修はホント楽しかった。もっと理解してたらもっと質問できたのになぁ。>As expected, the students loved the exercises. I feel very strongly that the exercises are the best part of the course.
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