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zlibに関するmFumiのブックマーク (2)

  • zlib Usage Example

    Usage Example We often get questions about how the deflate() and inflate() functions should be used. Users wonder when they should provide more input, when they should use more output, what to do with a Z_BUF_ERROR, how to make sure the process terminates properly, and so on. So for those who have read zlib.h (a few times), and would like further edification, below is an annotated example in C of

    mFumi 2012/08/09
  • zlib 1.3.1 Manual

    Contents Prologue Version Introduction Stream Data Structures Structures Usage Constants Basic Functions Advanced Functions Utility Functions gzip File Access Functions Checksum Functions Undocumented Functions Prologue zlib general purpose compression library version 1.3.1, January 22nd, 2024 Copyright (C) 1995-2024 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler This software is provided 'as-is', without any ex

    mFumi 2012/08/09
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