多くの人間は本能的に対立を避けようとするが、マーガレット・ヘファーナンが示すように、よい対立こそ進歩の要なのだ。彼女は(時として直感に反して)、最良のパートナーとは自分の考えに同調する者ではなく、素晴らしい調査チーム、仕事関係、ビジネスがいかに深い対立を容認するかを教えてくれる。 In Oxford in the 1950s, there was a fantastic doctor, who was very unusual, named Alice Stewart. And Alice was unusual partly because, of course, she was a woman, which was pretty rare in the 1950s. And she was brilliant, she was one of the, at the time, the