GetApp Edificio SPACES C/ Pallars 193, 2ª planta 08005 Barcelona, Spain
GetApp Edificio SPACES C/ Pallars 193, 2ª planta 08005 Barcelona, Spain
Resources 10 jQuery Plugins and Techniques for Doing More with Images Henry JonesJune 17, 20109 Comments05.7k When we see an image on a web page, it’s second nature for us to move our mouse over it or try to click it. We have come to expect some level of interactivity when it comes to images, especially with modern web design technologies, such as jQuery. If you happen to be working on a project t
Swirls, Curls and Flowers are often linked together in the design world, and are extremely popular. There are hundreds of resources out there for those of you that like to use floral elements in your design work and illustrations. In this post we have rounded up a huge collection of the very best swirly/curly/floral-based design elements, including vector elements, vector and pixel-based patterns,
Even though the process was complex, when the Google Map API first appeared, it only displayed a simple map. In the era of the modern web interactive and attractive appearances are now a serious concern. jQuery is a very popular JavaScript Framework created to be a single solution to increase website interactivity. Some plugins and tutorials below offer easy solutions to install a map, they also o
One Ping Pingback: A Showcase of Letterpress Invitations for Inspiration | Inspiration 24 Comments very interesting one – cosh here they dont make this type- very rare It is really hard to create an inspiring business card using white as the main color, since all business cards are white. But this set shows us that colors are not the only option to make a business card remarkable. Gret set! I also
The Photo Argus Fresh photography ideas, useful tips and creative inspiration. Eggs have been a popular subject in art for centuries. They carry symbolic meaning, representing ideas like hope, fertility, and new life. In some cultures, they also represent wealth or luck. But besides their symbolic power, eggs are a fantastic subject because they’re simple. Their smoothness and symmetry (when unbro
Most of us do not realize how it works and only a few probably pay attention. Though the influence of the colors may be some what overestimated, we can obviously feel it in some situations (imagine yourself in a dark red room or in the room in the sky colors). Today we’ll be talking about color psychology in website design, the way different brands use colors and what’s their message. Your Web Des
Freelancing has its perks and advantages, like being able to control your time and becoming your own boss. But when it comes to having predictable revenue on a regular basis, say on a monthly basis, that is out of the question. Hopefully we will answer your questions and doubts. Table of Contents: How Do You Create Predictable Revenue in Web Design? When Should You Quit Your Job? (and Begin Freela
President of WebFX. Bill has over 25 years of experience in the Internet marketing industry specializing in SEO, UX, information architecture, marketing automation and more. William’s background in scientific computing and education from Shippensburg and MIT provided the foundation for MarketingCloudFX and other key research and development projects at WebFX. Wondering how to buy a domain name and
浮気されてるっぽい カテゴリ浮気されてるっぽい 1 :1:2007/07/09(月) 22:32:07.54 ID:YOVZfnxQ0 なんかここ最近の「彼女寝取られ~」とか「彼女浮気して~」とかのスレ見てたら、俺の彼女も浮気してる気がしてきた。 2 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします。:2007/07/09(月) 22:32:19.84 ID:aV3YhFPl0 されてるよ 3 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします。:2007/07/09(月) 22:32:29.36 ID:SuIClwdS0 被害妄想乙 7 :1 ◆Ap8aQWhlek :2007/07/09(月) 22:36:33.33 ID:YOVZfnxQ0 残念ながら釣りじゃないから面白くならなかったらごめんな。 スペック 俺20歳大学生 彼女18歳高校生 俺は大学入学時に東京出
Tempat Wisata Populer di Bantul Tempat wisata di Bantul yang wajib dikunjungi untuk menikmati liburan anda. Berbagai tempat wisata populer di Bantul siap menemani liburan anda menjadi lebih berwarna. Bantul, merupakan salah satu Kabupaten di wilayah Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta yang patut kamu kunjungi ketika berlibur di Jogja. Sama halnya dengan Gunung Kidul yang memiliki banyak pantai, di Bantul j
1 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします:2009/10/24(土) 02:31:22.15 ID:xTPsDPTm0 こなた「キョンくん! キョンくんですよね!?」 キョン「ええと、何か?」 こなた「あた、あたし泉こなたって言います……本物だ……本物のキョンくんだぁ……」 キョン「……泉こなたさん?」 こなた「は、ハンドルネームなの……あたし、キョン君に会えて嬉しい……」 泉こなたと名乗る、この小太りのお姉さん、いや、オバサンと言ってもいい歳の 地味で不気味な感じの女性に、いきなり呼び止められた。しかもあだ名で。 4 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします:2009/10/24(土) 02:33:47.11 ID:xTPsDPTm0 キョン「嬉しいとか言われても、俺はあなたを知らないのですが……」 こなた「キョンくんのことずっと好きで好きで好きで好きで好きで好きで好