予定に登録できる「場所」。そこに地名などの名前ではなく、位置情報を書き込みたいと思ったことはありませんか?GFollowMe はまさにそれを実現するアプリです。 使い方は簡単。起動すると自動で位置情報を取得するので、やることは+ボタンを押すだけ。 すると Google カレンダーに現在位置を「場所」に付記した予定を追加します。 予定名を登録前に指定できないなど、色々と制約のあるアプリですが、現在進行中の予定を位置情報と共にすぐ登録したい時にはこの上なく便利です。
AppCooker streamlines App creation workflow to get ready for production in no time. It’s an advanced mockup & prototyping tool on iPad. Create, play and share high fidelity mockups using native iOS widgets: it’s the ultimate toolbox for anyone who wants to start creating “an App for that”. From idea to mockup and beyond, it’s easy for anyone to achieve professional results.
Pi Cubed Pi Cubed is a visual math application for the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad that lets you perform calculations as you would on a piece of paper. By using an animated, touch-based interface, even the most complex mathematical expressions can be entered and instantly evaluated. These expressions are typeset as they would be in a textbook or on a blackboard. Calculations are entered and edite
Pi Cubed is a visual math application for the iPhone, iPod touch, and now iPad that lets you perform calculations as you would on a piece of paper. By using an animated, touch-based interface, even the most complex mathematical expressions can be entered and instantly evaluated. These expressions are typeset as they would be in a textbook or on a blackboard. Calculations are displayed with up to 3
On the last update in 2014, We announced that the development of DraftPad was discontinued, but we changed our mind. This is the new version of DraftPad which is redesigned and optimized for modern iOS 11. We decided to update DraftPad again because so many people sent us questions and requests after iOS 11 was released. The previous version of DraftPad was a 32-bit app which could not run on iOS
DraftPad is a simple notepad which is like a single sheet of paper. You can use it to write a draft for messaging, posting, blogging, or any writing tasks. For the simplicity, DraftPad doesn't have features for filing multiple notes and decorating text elements. Instead, it is always ready to start jotting. DraftPad allows you to - Simply write and read on a plain field without any functional comp
Solve any math problem on your iPhone, iPad or Mac. PocketCAS is the most advanced mathematics application on the App Store. From elementary school maths all the way up to calculus, algebra and statistics, PocketCAS can do it all. It's an indispensable tool for every student, teacher and engineer. PocketCAS makes college-level calculus and algebra easy and can help you in a wide range of cases. It