
sharingとwritingに関するmilkrepesのブックマーク (1)

  • Ficlets

    This is the new ficlets archive. It was a lovely thing I built with a bunch of lovely people back at AOL... which was now a very long time ago. This archive is based on the ficly archive with some changes for the craaaazy exported version of ficlets. You should start by browsing the stories, perusing our many amazing authors, or some truly interesting tags. I don't expect this page to get updated

    milkrepes 2007/09/09
    他のユーザーは章単位に追加したり共同で書くのではなく、過去編や続編を書 くことによって参加。現在のストーリーの元となったり、そこから呼び起こさ れた過去編や続編がすべて公開
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