What is curl used for? curl is used in command lines or scripts to transfer data. curl is also libcurl, used in cars, television sets, routers, printers, audio equipment, mobile phones, tablets, medical devices, settop boxes, computer games, media players and is the Internet transfer engine for countless software applications in over twenty billion installations. curl is used daily by virtually ev
About OpenAxiom OpenAxiom is an open source platform for symbolic, algebraic, and numerical computations. It offers an interactive environment, an expressive programming language, a compiler, a large set of mathematical libraries of interest to researchers and practitioners of computational sciences. OpenAxiom strives to support ubiquitous, advanced, high quality open source computer algebra on ma
不要の全てのアプリを終了しメモリを大量確保するAllKill スポンサード リンク ・AllKill http://www3.plala.or.jp/kazuasa/allkill.html CD-R/DVD-Rを焼く、映像をエンコーディングする、3Dのレンダリングをする、ゲームをする、などメモリを目一杯確保し、不要なアプリの割り込みから、解放されたいときに、使えるアプリ全終了ツール。 設定画面で、起動させて起きたいアプリを選び、実行をクリックすると、ばっさりその他のアプリケーションが終了する。システムに関わるが、目的の処理には必要がないアプリまで削ってしまうことが出来る。たとえば、DVDを焼くために、ネット接続は不要なので、極限までネットワーク系のシステムアプリを停止させるといった具合。 私の端末(768メガ搭載)で、メモリ監視アプリを使って計測してみたところ、100メガバイト以上もメモ
For changes prior to version 1.14, see the file NEWS. For a more detailed list of changes, see the ChangeLog. September 17, 2019: Release 1.16. This release consists of bugfixes and minor portability improvements. A potential arithmetic overflow was fixed. Rotation angles are now normalized to between -180 and 180. We now use binary file I/O on the OS/2 platform. The test suite tolerances were adj
Scale2x is real-time graphics effect able to increase the size of small bitmaps guessing the missing pixels without blurring the images. It was originally developed for the AdvanceMAME project in the year 2001 to improve the quality of old games with a low video resolution. Derivative Scale3x and Scale4x effects which scale the image of 3x and 4x are also available. Scale2x is used in the followin
AutoTrace now also available online. [01/28/04] Delineate 0.5 has been released. [12/28/03] Delineate 0.4 has been released. [11/05/03] Delineate 0.2 has been released. Delineate is another GUI front end for autotrace written in Java. [9/13/03] First public release of frontline, a Gnome/Gtk+ based GUI front end for autotrace. With frontline you are able to set trace options via GUI and preview tra