Ideas for revealing content in a schematic box look as seen around the Web lately. The effect first shows a decorative block element drawn and when it starts to decrease its size, it uncovers some content underneath. Today we’d like to share a couple of ideas for a kind of block reveal effect that has been used in some designs recently. The main idea is to reveal content in a schematic box look. T
After playing with some on-scroll morphing background shapes, we wanted to explore some hover effects in this demo. By morphing SVG paths we can create some organic, flowy movements on hover. Doing so on an SVG clipPath allows us to use this effect on an image. For the animations in this demo we are using anime.js. For the hover effect on an item, we are doing several things. Let’s just look at th
A decorative website background effect where SVG shapes are morphing and transforming on scroll. Today we’d like to share a little background effect with you. The idea is to animate a decorative SVG shape on scroll. The shape is morphing into different forms depending on the section we are currently viewing. The animations are powered by Julian Garnier’s anime.js and the scroll detection is suppor
Some text distortion experiments using the Blotter.js library. The idea is to distort text as we scroll or move the mouse. Distortion effects have become quite popular over the past two years and now many extraordinary website designs have some unique form of this intriguing trend. Today we’d like to share two demos with you that show how to use Blotter, a three.js and Underscore.js powered API fo
A template with a two-sided, magazine-like layout and a flat page flip animation. The layout is powered by CSS Grid. Today we’d like to share a flat take on a magazine-like layout with a “page flip” animation. When navigating, the content gets covered and then the next “pages” show. Depending on how far the pages are apart (when choosing a page from the menu), we show multiple elements to cover th
A set of link hover effects that reveal a thumbnail in different creative ways. Today we’d like to share a set of link hover effects with you. The main idea is to reveal a thumbnail image with a special effect when hovering a link. The inspiration for this idea comes from the effect seen on Fuge’s website where you can see a thumbnail showing when hovering the underlined links. More effect inspira
Today we’d like to share another slideshow with you. The idea is to have a bit more of motion when navigating between the slides and showing another preview part with a fullscreen image. The inspiration for the effect comes from Louis Ansa’s beautiful design, “Paradis – Reprise”. The animations are powered by TweenMax. The slideshow shows a medium sized image in the center of the page. The title i
We’re exploring a progressive hover effect which triggers not just when we are hovering an element but progressively, when we come close to it. Today we’d like to share some subtle proximity feedback ideas with you. We’re exploring a progressive hover effect which triggers not just when we are hovering an element but progressively, when we come close to it. There are several interesting use cases
A simple morphing page transition effect where an SVG path gets morphed into another while the current page moves up. Today we’d like to share a simple morphing page transition effect with you. The idea is to morph an SVG path while moving an intro page up, creating an interesting, flowy look. For the animations we use anime.js and for some letter effects we use Charming. In the demos we use an “i
A small set of ideas for organic shape effects. The demos show some ways to use animated SVG morphs interactively on a website, including a menu hover and a content reveal effect. Today we’d like to share some more animated organic SVG shapes with you. The idea is to integrate some flowy, natural looking shapes into a web page as decorative elements, sometimes with an interaction, i.e. a backgroun
Some decorative shape and letter animations based on the Dribbble shot “Us By Night” by Animography. Today we’d like to share some fun letter animations with you. The idea is based on Animography’s Dribbble shot “Us By Night” where various little shapes animate with some letters. We wanted to explore some similar animations using different typographies and shape effects. We are using anime.js for
現場で使えるアニメーション系JSライブラリまとめ GSAP, CreateJS, WebAnimation, Velocityなど ウェブサイトのインタラクションやUIの振る舞いなど、HTMLでモーションを実装する機会は多々あります。HTML要素の簡易的なアニメーションであればCSS Transitionを使ったことのある方も多いでしょう。しかし、WebGLやCanvas、SVGなどJavaScriptが実装の中心となる制作作業では、CSS Transitionでは対応しきれず、アニメーションライブラリ(トゥイーンライブラリとも言います)が必要となる場面があります。 JavaScriptのアニメーションライブラリは多種多様なので、どのライブラリを採用するのか悩みどころ。本記事ではHTMLのJavaScriptライブラリについて、使い勝手や書式を紹介します。 今回紹介するメジャーなJSライブ