
hhvmと20131102に関するmukakenのブックマーク (1)

  • HHVM 2.2.0

    Paul Tarjan HHVM 2.2.0 Posted October 18, 2013 We released a new version of HHVM today. A big change is that we are now packaging for many of the popular distros. Ubuntu 12.04 / 13.04 / 13.10 Mint 15 Debian 7 Fedora 19 If your favorite one isn’t there, leave a comment and we’ll try to add it. Or if you want to become the packager for that distro, great! Bundle it up and then update the wiki. The n

    HHVM 2.2.0
    mukaken 2013/10/30
    HipHop Virtual Machine for PHP.Symfony, CodeIgniter, Laravelなどサポート。これは試したい。
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