
utilに関するmumumu-tanのブックマーク (2)

  • Percona Toolkit

    All of Percona’s open source software products, in one place, to download as much or as little as you need.

    Percona Toolkit
    mumumu-tan 2010/12/16
    Most of Maatkit’s functionality is designed for MySQL.  It makes MySQL easier and safer to manage. It provides simple, predictable ways to do things you cannot otherwise do. That’s why Maatkit is now shipping by default with many GNU/Linux distributions such as Debian and CentOS.  You can use
  • dd_rescue

    Like dd, dd_rescue does copy data from one file or block device to another. You can specify file positions (called seek and Skip in dd). There are several differences: dd_rescue does not provide character conversions. The command syntax is different. Call dd_rescue -h. dd_rescue does not abort on errors on the input file, unless you specify a maximum error number. Then dd_rescue will abort when th

    mumumu-tan 2010/12/14
    Like dd, dd_rescue does copy data from one file or block device to another. You can specify file positions (called seek and Skip in dd).
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