raceに関するnamako8のブックマーク (2)

  • Monkey advert 'resembling' Obama is pulled in Japan

    A Japanese mobile phone firm said today it had pulled a TV advert depicting a monkey as a political candidate amid accusations that it was a racist reference to Barack Obama, who is seeking to become the first black US president. The ad, for eMobile, shows a monkey in a suit addressing an election rally, surrounded by supporters carrying placards with the word "Change". The apparent intention is t

    Monkey advert 'resembling' Obama is pulled in Japan
    namako8 2008/07/03
    これは微妙だなあ。日本にレイシズムはあるけれども、ニホンザルと黒人を結びつけるという形でのracist streotypeというのはないかも。むしろラジバンダリ!とかの方が微妙なんだけどな〜。
  • BBC NEWS | UK | Timeline: London teen killings

    The death of an 18-year-old man on 10 July raises the number of teenagers killed in violent incidents in the capital this year to 20. 1 January 2008: Henry Bolombi, 17, became London's first teenage knife crime victim of 2008. He died after being chased by a group of youths in Edmonton, north London, and stabbed in the chest. He was with nine friends when they became involved in a row with another

    namako8 2008/07/01
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