Cuando diseñamos y programamos una página web web buscamos lograr que nuestro diseño y creatividad tengan un impacto visual y una buena comunicación, mucho más allá de un simple atractivo, sino que forme parte importante de la comunicación de su empresa. El diseño web requiere tener en cuenta la navegabilidad, interactividad, usabilidad, arquitectura de la información y la interacción de medios co
株式会社デザイニウムは、会津若松市を本社として地域DXとXR(AR/VR/MR)領域の開発を得意とする開発会社です。 Designium Inc., a development firm based in Aizuwakamatsu City, specializes in Community Digital Transformation (DX) and Extended Reality (XR) technologies, driving digital innovation for local community support and crafting XR solutions for diverse industries. was created in 2009 as a showcase of Damjan Stanković, designer specialized in industrial, identity, interface and concept design. Damjan is currently based in Belgrade, was created in 2009 as a showcase of Damjan Stanković, designer specialized in industrial, identity, interface and concept design. Damjan is currently based in Belgrade, Serbia. For all questions, co
Nu tar många svenskar stora trötta kliv tillbaka till kontoret efter en lång och härlig semester. För mig är det dock helt andra förutsättningar, jag ser fram emot vintermörkret likt ett barn som väntar på att få sitt godis. Det är nämligen så att jag dragit igång ett hobbyprojekt under sensommaren som ska bli klar lagom till oktober. Projektet är relativt enkelt att förklara om än något svårare a
Project Ball Pool Description MrDoob is known for Flash projects, and recently some great HTML5 work. This project shows the power of HTML5 through the physics of collision detection & gravity. Drag the balls around. Click the background to add new objects. Shake your browser to see feedback. Double click any object to refresh with a new colo
To view this page ensure that Adobe Flash Player version 10.0.0 or greater is installed. Outline is here.