Google のウェブログ公開ツールを使って、テキスト、写真、動画を共有できます。
I’ve always found it interesting reading the design process of others (David Airey, Contrast, Brian Hoff). It’s good to have an insight into others work, to see if I can learn anything from their process but also for curiosity. So I’ve put together a break down of my design process, using a recent project as a real life example, Newsgroup Direct. Overview I was recently hired by Newsgroup Direct (
Since the recommendation of CSS2 back in 1998, the use of tables has slowly faded into the background and into the history books. Because of this, CSS layouts have since then been synonymous with coding elegance. Since the recommendation of CSS2 back in 1998, the use of tables has slowly faded into the background and into the history books. Because of this, CSS layouts have since then been synonym
For one of the projects I’m currently working on with Rareview, we wanted to add a rising hover effect to a set of icon links. Using jQuery’s animate effect, I experimented with icons that have reflections and others with shadows. Here is a demo with two examples: The HTML and CSS are both straightforward and have a structure and style common to many web navigations and menus (for the sake of post
チェリーカジノの評判・おすすめポイント チェリーカジノは登録、カジノゲーム、サポートもすべて安心の日本語対応 ランキング15位のチェリーカジノは、オンラインカジノの中では、ベテランの部類の企業です。長年蓄積してきたカジノ運営のノウハウはオンラインにも反映されています。 というのもチェリーカジノの設立は1963年、オンラインカジノ事業は2000年から、というようにカジノ運営に古くから関わってるスタッフが多数在籍する企業です。ですので登録から日本語対応サポートは万全、日本向けのカジノゲーム選定も問題なく、国内プレイヤーも安心して遊べるオンラインカジノと言えます。 公式のYoutubeチャンネル『チェリーカジノTV』 ランキング15位チェリーカジノは、動画によるコマーシャルも活発に行っています。オンラインカジノについての情報の中には、読むだけではわかりづらいことって少なくないからです。 そこで動
CSS is one of the most basic building blocks of modern web design. It creates the structure and style that surrounds your content and is capable of making your site a joy to use or a pain in the neck. Mastering CSS is one of the most important things a web designer can do, and has really become an essential criteria for being a successful designer. In Part 1: Styling Design Elements we covered the
One of the biggest hurdles to becoming a web or graphic designer is the cost. Professional design software takes time to learn and is expensive on top. Photoshop may be… We know, how hard it is to stand out from the crowd. But with our collection of the best free Photoshop actions, you are going to be able to achieve just that. Whether you’re a photographer, artist or designer, Photoshop brushes c
いろいろカスタマイズして便利にします。 外観 デバッグコンソールなどを1つのウィンドウに統合する シミュレータでアプリを起動すると、デバッガコンソールがXcodeの後ろに隠れてしまい、いちいちフォーカスを切り替えるのが面倒。そんなときはこの設定を。 Xcode→環境設定→全般→レイアウト→オールインワン アプリ実行時にデバッガを自動的に表示する Xcode→環境設定→デバッグ→開始時→コンソールとデバッガを表示 __MY_COMPANYNAME__を変更する ファイルを新規に作成する時にファイル作成者の情報等が自動生成されるが__MY_COMPANYNAME__が気持ち悪い。そんな時は、コンソールから以下のコマンドを叩く。YourNameHereを表示したい名前に置き換えて。 ?View Code SHELLdefaults write PBXCu
Continuing our review of .htaccess files, today we'll examine how to use mod_rewrite to create pretty URLs. Benefits of Formatted URLs While some claim pretty URLs help in search engine rankings, the debate here is fierce. We can all agree that pretty URLs make things easier for our users and add a level of professionalism and polish to any web application. I could go over all the theoretical reas
Get affordable and hassle-free WordPress hosting plans with Cloudways, now offering 40% off for 4 months, and 40 free migrations. has a pretty cool presentation of the dates of their blog posts. Check it: The typeface and the year being vertical should tip you off right away that images are being used to accomplish this. But also note that the date information is presented as te
Since its very beginning, Photoshop is the best tool for photo editing and this time I'll take you through a few of short tutorials with some very basic yet practical techniques about using Photoshop with your pictures. Won't take you more than 10 minutes each! Want to try? Create a quick Panoramic Picture with Photoshop Take a look at the image we'll be creating. Step 1 - Before Getting Started C
Posted on 3rd April 2009 — Gareth Edward asked how to achieve the effect on the latest BBC Radio 1 website, where the mouse rolls over the image block, tabs slide up and the image zooms a little to reveal more of the picture. Earlier: API: map & grep Next: SlideDown Animation Jump Revisited Watch Watch BBC Radio 1 Zoom Tabs screencast (Alternative flash version) QuickTime version is approximately
CSS is almost certainly one of the best developments in web design since the first graphical web browsers were adopted on a wide scale. Where tables created clunky, slow-loading pages, CSS created much more streamlined and usable web pages. Plus, CSS has allowed designers to achieve a number of different styles that used to only be possible with images. One of the best parts of CSS is that it’s so
As I observe other liquid based websites, I see two commonly used techniques on displaying columns, the fixed columns and the liquid columns. There are drawbacks to both that I would like to point out, and later would like to pitch my solution. Fixed Columns The great thing about having fixed columns in a liquid layout, is that it will fill up the view port with as many columns as it can fit. But