PHPカンファレンス2012 実践Dependency Injectionスライド
PHPカンファレンス2012 実践Dependency Injectionスライド
The document discusses dependency injection in PHP. It begins with a real-world web application example to demonstrate dependency injection, showing how the User class depends on a SessionStorage class. It then explains how using constructor injection for the dependency rather than hardcoding it makes the code more customizable, configurable, and testable. Dependency injection decouples classes an
This document provides an overview of dependency injection and describes how to build a simple dependency injection container in PHP 5.3 using anonymous functions (lambdas). It discusses how the container can be used to manage parameters, describe object creation through lambdas, handle object scoping, and provide a unified interface. The container allows decoupling object dependencies and makes c
This article is part of a series on Dependency Injection in general and on a lightweight implementation of a Container in PHP in particular: Part 1: What is Dependency Injection? Part 2: Do you need a Dependency Injection Container? Part 3: Introduction to the Symfony Service Container Part 4: Symfony Service Container: Using a Builder to create Services Part 5: Symfony Service Container: Using XM