About LatencyTOP Skipping audio, slower servers, everyone knows the symptoms of latency. But to know what's going on in the system, what's causing the latency, how to fix it... that's a hard question without good answers right now. LatencyTOP is a Linux* tool for software developers (both kernel and userspace), aimed at identifying where in the system latency is happening, and what kind of operati
Fast & Small One of the primary reasons for Geany's existence is that there is a need for a decent, GUI, lightweight, cross-platform, flexible and powerful IDE/editor. Many editors meet one or more of these requirements but fall short on others. Geany attempts to hit the sweet spot. More Features » Great Community Geany is Good Ol' Fashioned Free Software. Using the GPL v2 license, Geany assures t
2020-07-20 OProfile 1.4.0 released OProfile 1.4.0 has been released. This release adds support for Marvell (Cavium) ThunderX2 and Hygon Dhyana CPU. This release also fixes issues with OProfile being unable to be built with newer versions of binutils and ensures that ocount does not leave orphan processes when an error occurs. 2018-07-16 OProfile 1.3.0 released OProfile 1.3.0 has been released. Thi
更新止まってますが、Linux Kernelと格闘してました(w jail breakしてるからって訳じゃ無いんだけど外でもネット繋ぎたく成るんですよね。 外だと携帯のフルブラウザで良いやって割り切ってたけど、 ipod touchの(iPhoneの)操作性っていうかブラウザの再現力は魅力。 「そんなんならiPhone買えよ」 とか 「WiFiスポット探せよ」 とか言う話も有る物のiPhone分厚いし、携帯は携帯として持っておきたい。 (DoCoMo版iPhone出たとしてi-modeメール使えるか微妙) 東の国のようにWiFiスポットもそこら中に有る訳でなく。 WMなデバイスでZeroProxyって言うのも有りだけど、 2回線契約持つかSIM差し替えって手間が掛かる。 って事で、携帯使ってダイアルアップしてくれる持ち運べるルータを作ってました。 ま、中身はLinuxなんですが(笑 組み込