Mark Shuttleworth mark at Wed Feb 20 15:08:04 GMT 2008 Previous message: Accepted: sugar-read-activity 43-0ubuntu1 (source) Next message: Ubuntu QA presents: Hardy platform bug list Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] With Hardy now past feature-freeze it's time to start to plan features that are being lined up for inclusion after Ubuntu 8.04 LTS is released i
La tecnología forma parte importante de la vida de las personas en la actualidad, por lo que es fundamental saber acerca de todas las novedades que tienen las grandes compañías tecnológicas para ofrecer. Conoce las mejores distribuciones de Linux y aprovecha las amplias funcionalidades que brindan. Distribuciones de Linux Si bien Linux no es una compañía que haya logrado calar en el público como W
Deleted or lost files can sometimes be recovered from failed or formatted drives and partitions, CD-ROMs and memory cards using the free/libre software available in the Ubuntu repositories. The data is recoverable because the information is not immediately removed from the disk. Follow these steps to recover lost data. CAUTION You should NOT write to the failed device, as it can worsen a hardware
Because the traditional System V init daemon (SysVinit) does not deal well with modern hardware, including hotplug devices, USB hard and flash drives, and network-mounted filesystems, Ubuntu replaced it with the Upstart init daemon. This article is excerpted from the recently published book A Practical Guide to Ubuntu Linux. Several other replacements for SysVinit are also available. One of the mo
I have been traveling the last two weeks, and I have found how useful is wifi-radar on my Linux powered laptop. I have an IBM Thinkpad T30 with an Aironet Wifi internal card (for the records) As you may see on the wifi-radar home page, there are packages for Gentoo, Debian, Ubuntu and Suse, I have seen that the Gentoo link is broken, but it is also easy to install on it. Installing wifi-radar Gent
Creating Snapshot Backups Of Your Desktop With Timevault On Ubuntu 7.10Version 1.0 Author: Oliver Meyer <o [dot] meyer [at] projektfarm [dot] de> This document describes how to set up, configure and use Timevault on Ubuntu 7.10. The resulting system provides a powerful backup system for desktop usage. TimeVault is a simple front-end for making snapshots of a set of directories. Snapshots are a cop
オープンソースからハイスクールフリート、The Beatlesまで何でもありの自称エンターテインメント日記。 事前に予約していたATOK X3 for Linuxが無事に届いたので、インストールしてみました。これはATOKを使って書いています。 Ubuntuはサポートはないものの、インストールは可能です。 気づいたことをいくつか。 ・alienしたdebパッケージあり ・rpmとtar.gzにはamd64バイナリがあるのに、debにはない ・切り替えはim-switchで可能。お行儀がよい ・画面左下のうざいステータスを消すことは可能。/media/cdrom/bin/deb/IIIMFにあるiiimf-properties_trunk_r3104-js1_i386.debをインストールし、iiim-propertiesを実行して[入力方式のステータスを表示する]のチェックを外す ・ただし