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  • Zeh Fernando

    The more I think about it, the more I’m coming to the conclusion that fitness assistance for running and biking will be one of the killer apps for AR in the near future. It’s hard for anyone who doesn’t run or bike semi-seriously to understand how disruptive this can be. It wasn’t for me until […] Continue reading → I often like to think about technology projects from the perspective of their prob

    okhra 2009/01/26
  • Naoki Masuda

    (This website is for both Japanese and English users) : @ mist.i. . . 東京大学・大学院情報理工学系研究科・数理情報学専攻 ・ 数理第4研究室 ・ 准教授 学部組織は、 工学部・計数工学科・数理情報工学コース [I am lecturer at Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo. ] Research Publications (論文などのリスト) 大学院の指導を希望する方およびポスドクとして一緒に研究したい方へ (Japanese) [For prospective students/postdocs (English)] 授業関係など (Japanese) 研究紹介 (一般向けの説明もあります)

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