Kristen Cesiro Creative Director & Designer Work Homepolish Brand Homepolish Photography Homepolish Online Homepolish Offline Gilt Interactive Design Gilt Holiday � Kristen Cesiro, 2018
About is a seven-letter domain name that embodies a sense of sophistication and elegance. The name is derived from a combination of two words that bring to mind images of uncharted territories, adventure, and discovery. 'Nava' is a Spanish word for 'new' or 'unexplored,' while 'sca' stands for 'scale' or 'measurement.' This combination of words evokes a feeling of innovatio
In the UK we each use around 150 litres of water per day. But this is only part of the picture. When you consider the water required to produce all the stuff we consume, we actually guzzle a massive 4,645 litres every day. One third of our water is lost through leaky pipes before it even gets to our homes
I'm Marek, I work with interactive art direction and UX/UI design. I’m an Interactive Design alumni from Danish School of Media and Journalism (DMJX) and I’ve been independent for several years, working together with agencies such as Mensch, TBWA, BBDO and Nordisk Film. I’m also member of the jury at the FWA, judging cutting edge creativity and innovation. Currently I'm working as Sr. UX/UI Design
Information design In een wereld vol informatie is heldere informatie koning. Met information design maken we complexe materie op een visuele manier begrijpelijk. We brengen consultancy, design en tech samen om informatie zo vorm te geven dat het duidelijk is én aanzet tot actie. Handig, als je bijvoorbeeld draagvlak wilt creëren, iets nieuws wilt introduceren of wilt bijdragen aan positieve veran
We’re employee owned and proud to be the UK’s #1 rated B-Corp digital agency. So what? Well it means that brands who prioritise their values, relationships and social and environmental impact have a legitimate, high performing digital agency of choice to partner with. We help these brands win online and when we grow together, good stuff happens. Take a look at our results. * As rated by The Drum R
SVLA is the portfolio of Michael Sevilla, specializing in Direction, Branding, Interactive, and Print.
Brand Experience Pepsi, Google, Discovery Channel, TLC, Animal Planet, Sharp, Seiko, The Washington Post, Slate, Ubisoft, Bethesda Softworks, Nuclear Energy Institute, US Department of the Interior, GlaxoSmithKline, Graco, AARP, MPC, Time Warner Cable, Freddie Mac, Sallie Mae, Aramark, Marriott, Advance Auto Parts, George Washington University. About I’ve been a professional designer since 2001 an
The Carp and The Seagull, An interactive short film by Evan Boehm.It does not look like your graphics card supports WebGL and 3D capabilities. This error may appear if you have multiple displays plugged in at the same time. ‘The Carp and the Seagull’ is an interactive short film about one man’s encounter with the spirit world and his fall from grace. It is a user driven narrative that tells a sing
№ 76, ул. Синьда, посёлок Чжоуте ,город Исин, провинция Цзянсу, КНР
安全かどうか不安になりがちな脱毛エステですが、全てのエステサロンを一律には語れません。 非常に安全性に信頼をおける店もありますし、安全性を無視している所が無いとも言えません。 エステで脱毛してみたいなと思ったら、実際利用した人の意見を見るのが1番確実です。 付け足すなら、一応軽い体験コースにトライして、自分には合わないと感じるとしたら、足を踏み入れない方が賢明でしょう。 脱毛サロンに行くと妊娠中の施術をお断りされることが珍しくありません。 妊娠してからはエストロゲン・プロゲステロンといったホルモンが増加するため、本来の脱毛効果は期待できませんし、お肌を台無しにしてしまうかもしれません。あまつさえ胎児がその影響を全く受けないとは言い切れませんから、妊婦さんには施術をいたしません。お子さんをお産みになりたいと考えているなら契約の内容を再確認してみましょう。 わざわざ脱毛サロンに通ったのにやっぱ
15 Oct 2024hannahbohnen.deThrow a collection of rocks at this portfolio for artist and printmaker Hannah Bohnen. 20 Aug 2024www.cultura-engiadina.chA raw, stylised yet functional site for Chesas da Cultura Engiadina, featuring an almost isometric slideshow transition of architectural images with use of mix-blend mode, blurs and opacity sitewide creating a soft layered effect.