Design Your Way is a brand owned by SBC Design Net SRL Str. Caminului 30, Bl D3, Sc A Bucharest, Romania Registration number RO32743054 But you’ll also find us on Blvd. Ion Mihalache 15-17 at Mindspace Victoriei
I'm Debbie and... I'm beginning to see the light. I'm a believer. I'm alive. I'm into something good. I'm leaving on a jet plane. I'm every woman. I'm not afraid of anything. I'm on to you. I'm only...I'm Debbie and... I'm beginning to see the light. I'm a believer. I'm alive. I'm into something good. I'm leaving on a jet plane. I'm every woman. I'm not afraid of anything. I'm on to you. I'm only
UFUNK tire sa révérence sous sa forme actuelle ! Depuis 10 ans, je partage chaque jour avec vous mes découvertes et mes coups de cœur, explorant le meilleur de la création contemporaine. Aujourd’hui ce format ne me convient plus, et je souhaite me lancer dans de nouveaux challenges, et consacrer mon temps à de nouvelles expérimentations entre art et design. Je vous invite donc à découvrir mon trav
We’re a full-service digital agency that’s been helping clients make lasting change since 1999. Contact Us
This is an example of a detailed registration form with validation, designed using CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and Bootstrap framework 4. The body of the form is given a background color as RGB(252, 228, 236). The form consists of input text fields, radio buttons, drop-down lists, and a submit button. The banner section of the form is given a background color as RGB(233, 30, 99). The JavaScript methods
HB's Thinking UsableThe power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect. This is one very small portal... or my very own small portal. It is an entrance to the net, space full of combination locks and all mighty of tracks... No matter how it will be named, you are all Welcome!
Swissmiss is moving to a new home! For almost 4 years, Typepad has been my host and blogging platform. They have been nothing but wonderful to me and I am not leaving Typepad out of being an unsatisfied customer. Not at all. It just so happens that I had some very custom UI features in mind for swissmiss 2.0 and my fabulous developer John Ford is Wordpress Guru Extraordinnaire. Starting tomorrow,
Creative Engineers Wir perfektionieren jeden Web-Shop. Oder klarer gesagt: Wir machen aus Besuchern Kunden. Und optimieren so die Umsätze von Online-Händlern. Denn E-Commerce ist nicht nur unser Business – es ist unsere Passion. Nicht nur Modeschöpfer oder Schriftsteller sollten kreativ sein – auch Online-Profis. Wir jedenfalls sind es. Denn schließlich ist jeder Kunde anders. Hat aber immer dasse