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"Central Government"の検索結果1 - 29 件 / 29件

  • An AnandTech Interview with Jim Keller: 'The Laziest Person at Tesla'

    Topics Covered AMD, Zen, and Project Skybridge Managing 10000 People at Intel The Future with Tenstorrent Engineers and People Skills Arm vs x86 vs RISC-V Living a Life of Abstraction Thoughts on Moore's Law Engineering the Right Team Idols, Maturity, and the Human Experience Nature vs Nurture Pushing Everyone To Be The Best Security, Ethics, and Group Belief Chips Made by AI, and Beyond Silicon A

      An AnandTech Interview with Jim Keller: 'The Laziest Person at Tesla'
    • Japan pays a high price as it goes down market - Asia Times

      TOKYO – Japan is cheap. Yes, you read that right. This may surprise – or astonish – those familiar with the country’s high value-added brands, its “bubble era” or Japanese land prices – touted as among the most expensive in the world. It certainly flies in the face of conventional wisdom. But decades of stagnant wages, deflation and the gut-punch left by Abenomics have left Japan the Daiso of the

        Japan pays a high price as it goes down market - Asia Times
      • 強力な日米同盟のための我々の違いの理解ー安定した戦略的関係の維持ー – Milterm軍事情報ウォッチ

        令和2年度日米共同方面隊指揮所演習(日本)(YS-79)が今まさに行われているところである。この演習を始めとして、日米共同訓練も年々回数と内容共に充実しつつあるように感じる。令和2年度の防衛白書にも「平素から共同訓練を行うことは、戦術面などの相互理解や意思疎通といった相互運用性を向上させ、日米共同対処能力の維持・向上に大きく資するのみならず、日米それぞれの戦術技量の向上を図るうえでも有益である」との記述のある通りである。 しかし、真に効果あるものにするためには、日米間に横たわる違いを理解し、乗り越えるべきものは乗り越えていかねばならないのであろう。 ここで紹介するのは、米軍の機関誌に記載されていた米軍将校(海兵隊)の記事の抜粋である。米軍内へ陸上自衛隊がどのように違うかを理解せよとの提言であるが、自衛官側も米軍のことを理解しているようで理解できていないところを明確にしなければならないのでは

        • Uyghurs for sale | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | ASPI

          ‘Re-education’, forced labour and surveillance beyond Xinjiang. The Chinese government has facilitated the mass transfer of Uyghur and other ethnic minority1 citizens from the far west region of Xinjiang to factories across the country. Under conditions that strongly suggest forced labour, Uyghurs are working in factories that are in the supply chains of at least 82 well-known global brands in the

            Uyghurs for sale | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | ASPI
          • Coronavirus, intensive care doctors in Lombardy: “Timely actions or disastrous health calamity”. The access priority hypothesis: “Whoever has the most chance of survival first” | News1 English

            < div id=”article-body-5729020″> Place a age limit for access to intensive care, based on the greatest possibilities of survival. That’s what the Italian society of anesthesia, analgesia, resuscitation and intensive care in a technical document related to the emergency coronavirus. “It may be necessary to place an age limit on entry into intensive care. It is not a question of making merely valuab

              Coronavirus, intensive care doctors in Lombardy: “Timely actions or disastrous health calamity”. The access priority hypothesis: “Whoever has the most chance of survival first” | News1 English
            • コロナワクチンの一部有料化? No more free COVID-19 vaccine?

              The Asahi Shimbun Nov.07 2022より一部抜粋(対訳をとりやすいように、なるべく冒頭から訳しています。日英表現が色で対比になっています。) 【本文】 ●The days of free COVID-19 vaccine shots in Japan may be numbered. 日本でCOVID-19のワクチンを無料接種できるのは、あと数えられるほどの日数になるかもしれません。 ●The Finance Ministry on Nov. 7 asked an advisory panel to start discussing possible charges for the COVID-19 shots, like the ones for influenza. 財務省は 11 月 7 日、諮問委員会に対し、インフルエンザなどと同様に、COVID-19 の予防

              • The Guardian view on the Tokyo Olympics: must the show go on?

                As coronavirus swept the globe last spring, Japan portrayed the postponement of the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics until this summer as an opportunity as well as a necessity. The delayed Games would be the light at the end of the tunnel; a celebration of humanity’s victory over Covid. With around 100 days to go, that promise now looks not merely optimistic, but flat wrong. The Olympics are approac

                  The Guardian view on the Tokyo Olympics: must the show go on?
                • As Japan Nears 1,000 Daily Coronavirus Infections, It Shies From Restrictions (Published 2020)

                  As Japan Nears 1,000 Daily Coronavirus Infections, It Shies From Restrictions Case numbers are climbing fast, with virus clusters in nursing homes, schools and elsewhere. But fingers are being pointed at Japan’s so-called hostess bars. Visitors in the Kabukicho district of Tokyo on Friday. Most of Japan’s recent coronavirus cases have been among people in their 20s and 30s, who tend to suffer only

                    As Japan Nears 1,000 Daily Coronavirus Infections, It Shies From Restrictions (Published 2020)
                  • 琉球新報仲宗根雅則「沖縄が味方につけるべきは中国、ロシア、北朝鮮」の記事が削除されていた - 事実を整える

                    琉球新報の「沖縄が味方につけるべきは中国、ロシア、北朝鮮」と書かれた記事が削除されていたので記録に残します。 ※追記:その後、2020年5月27日から2021年1月19日の間に復活しています。 琉球新報仲宗根雅則「沖縄が味方につけるべきは中国、ロシア、北朝鮮」 CSIS報告書による沖縄のメディアへの中共の浸透工作 慶応義塾大学の細谷雄一氏の修正 琉球新報仲宗根雅則「沖縄が味方につけるべきは中国、ロシア、北朝鮮」 【島人の目】苦難覚悟で沖縄独立も(魚拓)2019年3月31日 2020年5月27日魚拓⇒404エラー 元URL:https://ryukyushimpo.jp/news/entry-896730.html 辺野古移設反対が多数を占めた県民投票の結果を受けても、安倍政権が「基地負担を軽減するため辺野古に新基地を造る」と沖縄を愚弄(ぐろう)する言葉を吐き続けるなら、もはや島はさらなる苦

                      琉球新報仲宗根雅則「沖縄が味方につけるべきは中国、ロシア、北朝鮮」の記事が削除されていた - 事実を整える
                    • Political WarfareとInfluence Operation : 細谷雄一の研究室から

                      2020年08月20日 Political WarfareとInfluence Operation 少し前に「影響力工作」についてのブログの記事を書いたのですが、それについて一部の方からかなり激しい反発と批判を頂いており、少しばかり驚いています。「そのようなものはない」あるいは「デマを流している」というような批判が多いのですが、これは裏返せば、日本国内ではpolitical warfareやinfluence operationについて、おそらく安全保障専門家外ではほとんど知られていないということなのだろうと感じております。 私はこの分野の専門家ではなく、あくまでも下記のような文献や報告書から学んだり、あるいは国際会議に参加してアジアの安全保障などをディスカッションする中で、食事の席や休憩時間などに、外交官、軍関係者、そして一部インテリジェンス関係者の方、そして安全保障専門家の方などと意見

                        Political WarfareとInfluence Operation : 細谷雄一の研究室から
                      • Japanese parents file liability lawsuit against state over joint custody rights

                        Twelve noncustodial parents from across Japan on Friday filed a liability lawsuit with the Tokyo District Court against the central government, demanding a total of ¥12 million in compensation for failure to guarantee parents their constitutional right to raise their children. The 12 plaintiffs are also seeking the creation of a joint custody system. Reiko Koga, a lawyer representing the plaintiff

                          Japanese parents file liability lawsuit against state over joint custody rights
                        • Address by the President of the Russian Federation

                          President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Citizens of Russia, friends, My address concerns the events in Ukraine and why this is so important for us, for Russia. Of course, my message is also addressed to our compatriots in Ukraine. The matter is very serious and needs to be discussed in depth. The situation in Donbass has reached a critical, acute stage. I am speaking to you directly today not only to 

                            Address by the President of the Russian Federation
                          • Biden says he told foreign leaders “America is back” | by Mashrafi Mortuza | Nov, 2020 | Medium

                            President-elect Joe Biden handled calls from unfamiliar pioneers who offered their congrats on his extended triumph in the official political race, an affirmation that key U.S. partners are planning for another organization even as President Trump won’t yield rout. The Biden change office said the duly elected president on Tuesday addressed English Executive Boris Johnson, French President Emmanue

                            • Rubio, Hawley Denounce McKinsey’s Book Advising “Made in China 2025”

                              The illegitimate Cuban regime has made Cuba a safe haven for Communist China, Russia, Iran, and Venezuela. This poses a direct threat, just 90 miles from our shores, to our national security interests, and the stability of our region. The United States must continue... A McKinsey & Company (McKinsey) led think tank, the Urban China Initiative, produced a report to inform the People’s Republic of C

                                Rubio, Hawley Denounce McKinsey’s Book Advising “Made in China 2025”
                              • お盆に向けて感染予防対策についての市長コメント(2022年8月10日)|つくば市公式ウェブサイト

                                市民の皆様におかれましては、日頃より新型コロナウイルスの感染防止対策にご理解とご協力をいただき、心より御礼を申し上げます。 新型コロナウイルスのオミクロン株の亜型であるBA5による第7波は、これまでの感染の勢いをはるかに上回るスピードで、全国的に急拡大しています。つくば市においても8月5日には感染者数が、これまでで最多となる540人を記録するなど、感染の急拡大が続いています。 第7波の感染急拡大に伴い、茨城県内でも医療従事者の感染などにより、発熱外来や救急医療が非常にひっ迫しています。市民の皆様におかれましては、限りある医療資源を有効に活用し、真に必要とする方に医療を届けるために、適切な医療機関の受診や救急要請(119番通報)へのご理解とご協力をお願いいたします。 これからお盆を迎え、人と会う機会が多くなる時期を迎えますので、改めまして、基本的な感染対策である「手洗い」や「こまめな換気」、

                                • Japan May Have Beaten Coronavirus Without Lockdowns or Mass Testing. But How?

                                  WorldJapanJapan May Have Beaten Coronavirus Without Lockdowns or Mass Testing. But How? Japan May Have Beaten Coronavirus Without Lockdowns or Mass Testing. But How? Japan’s state of emergency is set to end with new cases of the coronavirus dwindling to mere dozens. It got there despite largely ignoring the default playbook. No restrictions were placed on residents’ movements, and businesses from

                                    Japan May Have Beaten Coronavirus Without Lockdowns or Mass Testing. But How?
                                  • Dark horse right-wing party emerges as third-largest in Japan lower house

                                    Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, who is also the ruling President of Liberal Democratic Party, delivers a speech to voters from atop of a campaigning bus on the last day of campaigning for the October 31 lower house election, amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, in Tokyo, Japan October 30, 2021. REUTERS/Issei Kato Acquire Licensing Rights TOKYO, Nov 1 (Reuters) - A right-wing Jap

                                      Dark horse right-wing party emerges as third-largest in Japan lower house
                                    • The long-term association between paternal involvement in infant care and children's psychological well-being at age 16 years: An analysis of the Japanese Longitudinal Survey of Newborns in the 21st Century 2001 cohort

                                      BackgroundSome studies conducted in the United Kingdom have shown long-term associations between paternal involvement in childcare and adolescents' mental health issues. However, findings were inconsistent, and similar epidemiologic studies have not been conducted in other countries in Europe or Asia. Thus, we aimed to examine this association using Japanese population-based cohort study data. Met

                                        The long-term association between paternal involvement in infant care and children's psychological well-being at age 16 years: An analysis of the Japanese Longitudinal Survey of Newborns in the 21st Century 2001 cohort
                                      • Japanese town spent Covid-19 relief funds on giant squid statue | CNN

                                        A coastal town in western Japan has drawn ire on social media for using some of the coronavirus relief funds it was given by the government to build a statue of a giant squid in the hopes of boosting tourism. The town of Noto in Ishikawa Prefecture was awarded 800 million yen ($7.3 million) in grants from the central government as part of an aid program aimed at boosting local economies amid the p

                                          Japanese town spent Covid-19 relief funds on giant squid statue | CNN
                                        • Why is populism so unpopular in Japan?

                                          Have the populist movements that have swept other countries quietly passed by the East Asian nation? Japan's Former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone [File: Owen Franken/Corbis via Getty Images] On April 1, 1987, then-Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone delivered the death blow to the nation’s radical labour union movement. He broke the Japanese National Railways up into seven privatised rail

                                            Why is populism so unpopular in Japan?
                                          • Time to Give Japan Credit for its COVID-19 Response – Tokyo Review

                                            While other nations are praised for controlling the virus, Japan’s low COVID-19 death toll is often treated as a mystery at best, or even as a conspiracy. With the COVID-19 pandemic still ongoing and a strong likelihood of future waves of outbreaks, it’s much too early to start talking about national “winners and losers,” apart from the most extreme cases. This is doubly true since there’s still m

                                              Time to Give Japan Credit for its COVID-19 Response – Tokyo Review
                                            • PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 53「ホテル大蔵と消費税」/ "Ministry of Finance & Consumption Tax" - PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

                                              English follows Japanese. 【PDCA日記 Vol. 53「ホテル大蔵と消費税」】 私は銀行員時代、当局対応を5年程度していたことがあり、日本の中央官庁が集まっている霞が関(虎ノ門)に毎週のように行っては、窓のない部屋(!)で色々な協議を行っていました。 日本の場合、銀行は金融庁、クレジットカードは経済産業省、貸金業務は財務局という感じで、同じ金融でも業種によって監督官庁が異なるという特徴があります。 アメリカやヨーロッパでも金融当局の窓口が分かりにくいのは同じであり、外国人の元同僚は「日本はまだまし」というくらいで、どの国でもややこしいのは同じようです。 今回紹介する資料「インサイド財務省」は、「ホテル大蔵」とかつて呼ばれた激務の不夜城である財務省の現状について、非常にわかりやすくまとめています。 今年10月から消費税が10%になることが決まっていますが、消費増税

                                                PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 53「ホテル大蔵と消費税」/ "Ministry of Finance & Consumption Tax" - PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary
                                              • As China’s Internet Disappears, ‘We Lose Parts of Our Collective Memory’

                                                Chinese people know their country’s internet is different. There is no Google, YouTube, Facebook or Twitter. They use euphemisms online to communicate the things they are not supposed to mention. When their posts and accounts are censored, they accept it with resignation. They live in a parallel online universe. They know it and even joke about it. Now they are discovering that, beneath a facade b

                                                  As China’s Internet Disappears, ‘We Lose Parts of Our Collective Memory’
                                                • How will Iran respond to Israel’s attack on its Damascus consulate?

                                                  Iran has vowed retaliation for an Israeli attack on its consulate in Damascus last Monday. The strike was part of a pattern of escalated Israeli attacks in Syria since the eruption of the Gaza war last October. These attacks have often targeted warehouses, trucks, and airports, and Israel’s declared aim for them is degrading Iran’s transnational supply network for the Lebanese group Hezbollah. Kee

                                                    How will Iran respond to Israel’s attack on its Damascus consulate?
                                                  • Hunting the Phoenix | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | ASPI

                                                    The Chinese Communist Party’s global search for technology and talent NOTE: In Policy Brief Report No. 35 ‘Hunting the Phoenix’ by Alex Joske and published by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, reference was made to Professor Wenlong Cheng, Professor and Director of Research, Chemical Engineering at Monash University. The author and the Australian Strategic Policy Institute accept Professo

                                                      Hunting the Phoenix | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | ASPI
                                                    • 公害病否定の社会学的考察 ―カドミウム腎症を事例にー | CiNii Research

                                                      タイトル別名 コウガイビョウ ヒテイ ノ シャカイガクテキ コウサツ カドミウム ジンショウ オ ジレイ ニ Why is Kidney Dysfunction Caused by Cadmium (Cadmium Nephropathy) not Officially Recognized as a Pollution-related Disease by the Japanese Government ? Environmental cadmium pollution causes cadmium poisoning. The first cadmium-polluted area ever discovered in the world was the Jinzu River basin in Toyama Prefecture in Japan. The most severe c

                                                      • Japanese Culture and Traditions

                                                        Japanese culture has always fascinated many foreigners, especially Westerners. The reason for this fascination is simple—opposites attract. Japanese culture, along with most Asian cultures, contrasts a lot with Western cultures, and that contrast works like a magnate for many. This article aims to dive deeper and understand various aspects of Japan’s unique culture. Culture and traditions change o

                                                          Japanese Culture and Traditions
                                                        • The Pandemic Won’t Make China the World’s Leader

                                                          Early this year, as the novel coronavirus began to spread in China, the predictions were immediate and stark: the outbreak was China’s “Chernobyl moment,” perhaps even “the beginning of the end” for the Chinese Communist Party, with geopolitical consequences that, at a time of growing U.S.-Chinese tension, would play to Washington’s considerable advantage. But then, almost as quickly, the predicti

                                                            The Pandemic Won’t Make China the World’s Leader
                                                          • The Weaponization of Nostalgia: How Afghan Miniskirts Became the Latest Salvo in the War on Terror - Ajam Media Collective

                                                            The debate over Afghan women’s miniskirts have become the latest salvo in the War on Terror. Last month, Donald Trump announced that the US would be extending its military occupation of Afghanistan, reversing a stance he has held for years demanding a rapid pull-out. Instead, the country will see a continuation of the endless war, a war that has left tens of thousands dead but which has failed mis

                                                              The Weaponization of Nostalgia: How Afghan Miniskirts Became the Latest Salvo in the War on Terror - Ajam Media Collective